Application Case
Identify the type of wastewater
Utilize professional knowledge to accurately locate the type of wastewater, in order to make plans for subsequent customization.
Detecting water volume
Using professional equipment and tools to detect the amount of wastewater and distinguish the severity of the amount.
Understand the source
Accurately understand the source of wastewater, solve wastewater treatment problems from the source, and address the root cause of the problem.
Water quality testing
Utilize professional equipment to scientifically test problematic wastewater and develop treatment plans based on the test results.
Planning emission standards
Plan the discharge of sewage according to the test results to meet industry standards.
Design process
Professional personnel design and plan sewage treatment discharge, and apply professional knowledge to process design.
Design process flow
Combining standards with professional knowledge, design the process flow of sewage treatment to achieve the standard treatment effect.
Estimated processing efficiency
Estimate the expected time to achieve the results of the testing plan and provide feedback on the wastewater treatment situation.